116 research outputs found

    Hedge mazes and landscape gardens as cultural boundary objects

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    Despite their obvious functional and stylistic differences, hedge mazes and English landscape gardens have salient symbolic and structural similarities which make them fruitful objects of comparative analysis. Both invert the norms expected of interior and exterior spaces, of human cultivation and “wilderness”, creating landscapes of semiotic uncertainty. Being at once natural and cultural, both types of space present a “problem to be solved” either by reaching a centre or understanding a layout. Both “play” with the notion of boundary by constructing uncrossable and at times oppressive walls from seemingly fragile plant matter or by hiding their boundaries. At the same time there are important differences which make this comparison of boundary spaces even more interesting: hedge mazes and landscape gardens are distinguishable by their respective structural levels, the presence or absence of a centre, their relation to other parts of gardens and connected human habitations.Using Juri Lotman’s notion of hybrid and transitional objects characteristic of boundary mechanisms, this paper explores the semiotically dense nature-culture boundary which these mazes and gardens both inhabit and create. The objects of our analysis are 17th-century English mazes and early English gardens dating from the beginning of the 18th century: mazes at Longleat and Hampton Court, and landscape gardens such as Rousham and Stowe

    Prawo łaski w świetle Konstytucji z 17 marca 1921 r. Zagadnienia ustrojowe i procesowe

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    The article concerns the right of pardon in the view of the Constitution of March dated on 1921. The author analyses subjective and objective range as well as the contents of the decision of the head of state concerning the right of pardon. She compares solutions adapted in Poland and those that functioned in other modern countries. On this background she discusses the model of the right of pardon in Poland proving that this law was understood narrowly by the Constitution from 1921. It was limited only to penal and judicial responsibility and distinctly excluded the possibility of pardon by individual abolition. The author also indicates that the head of state had restricted possibilities to state the contents of the act of pardon. That was because the Constitution clearly determined that it may only consist in cancellation or commutation of punishment, or possibly remission of consequences of conviction. By that means the March Constitution determined the boundary of presidential right of pardon, which was not common solution during the interwar period. The author also analyses, on the basis of unpublished archival materials, the practice of executing the right of pardon, especially the procedure of decision-making and contents of the act of pardon. On this basis she concludes that despite of lack of constitutional reference to act the president executed the right of pardon retaining procedure specified in Code of Criminal Proceedings, however he did not execute the right of pardon through proceeding initiated without maintaining requirements of criminal procedure. The article also tackles the issue of motives that made president’s way towards making decisions concerning pardon and its independence by analyzing the use of the right of pardon by presidents Stanisław Wojciechowski and Ignacy Mościcki. The presented data show that under the same Constitution presidents differently understood their role at making decision about pardon. They either presented the model of full (Wojciechowski) or restricted (Mościcki) independence in decision-making.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Cofnięcie rezygnacji z pełnionej funkcji przez marszałka województwa w świetle ustawy z dnia 5 czerwca 1998 r. o samorządzie województwa

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    W artykule przeprowadzono analizę możliwości cofnięcia rezygnacji przez marszałka wojew­ództwa. Ustawa z dnia 5czerwca 1998 r. o samorządzie województwa wyraźnie stanowi, że marszałek wojew­ództwa może złożyć rezygnację, ale nie reguluje wyraźnie instytucji cofnięcia takiego oświadczenia. Zdaniem autora nie oznacza to, że marszałek województwa nie może cofnąć oświadczenia o rezygnacji, albowiem nie wywołuje ono automatycznie żadnych skutków prawnych, w tym jego złożenie nie prowadzi do wygaśnięcia mandatu marszałka województwa. Do czasu głosowania przez sejmik województwa uchwały w przedmiocie przyjęcia rezygnacji marszałek województwa jest dysponentem złożonego przez sobie oświadczenia i może je wycofać. Za taką wykładnią przemawia konieczność zapewnienia marszałkowi województwa wolności wyboru i wykonywania zawodu oraz wyboru miejsca pracy, o której mowa w art. 65 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP z 2 kwiet­nia 1997 r.


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    EU targets on increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy generation from the present 7% to 12% in 2010 reąuires an additional annual production of 53 million tons of wood by 2010 (if the present trend is continued only 10 million additional tons will be produced annually). Europe’s common agricultural policy [CAP, 2004] is shifting towards development and diversification of economic activities, enabling multiple activities and alternative income. These two goals can bereached by biomass production on short rotation plantations (SRPs). Biomass cultivated in order to generate energy, can be used in a wide variety of biomass conversion products and processes, which fali into four major categories: combustion, gasification, hydrolysis and fermentation, which can produce electricity, heat, combined heat and power and ethanol, respectively [Ciechanowicz, 2003; Szlachta, 2005; Nowicki, 2003], The economic advantages of using SRPs for energy production are also very important eg. decreased emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere [Karaczun and Kassenberg, 2001]

    Płeć księgowych i ich podejście do wyceny bilansowej w świetle badań ankietowych

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    The article aims to show the relationship between the gender of accountants and their approach to balance sheet valuation (valuation of assets and liabilities) and validation of the research tool. The authors assumed that such a relationship exists.The method of analysis of sources (literature), deductive reasoning and survey research were used. The study used a questionnaire containing 16 questions addressed to members of the Accountants Association in Poland. The survey used answers collected in 3 problem areas. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test were used to analyse the primary data. Due to the sample size, additional tests with the exact method and Monte Carlo were performed for each analysis using the Chi-square test.The statistical analysis shows differences between women's and men's practical approaches to valuing assets and liabilities. Most of the relationships between the variables are statistically significant.The main limitation concerns that the quantitative study was preliminary and related to the sample size.The obtained results are the basis for further research in the field of showing the relationship between gender and selected methods of balance sheet valuation in accounting, as well as other thematic areas in accounting (reliability of reporting information, simplifications in accounting, tax aspects).The article fills the research gap in balance sheet valuation regarding the gender of the person keeping the books of accounts. The pilot studies open another dimension of research in selecting valuation methods in accounting. The results of the pilot study partially fill the research gap concerning insufficient knowledge on the impact of gender on accountants' approach to balance sheet valuation. The pilot studies open another dimension of research in selecting valuation methods in accounting.Celem artykułu jest próba pokazania wpływu płci osób wykonujących zawód księgowej/-ego na ich podejście do wyceny bilansowej (wycena aktywów i pasywów) oraz walidacja narzędzia badawczego. Zastosowano metodę analizy źródeł (literatury), wnioskowanie dedukcyjne oraz badania ankietowe. Zastosowane narzędzie badawcze w postaci ankiety zawierało 16 pytań skierowanych do członków Stowarzyszenia Księgowych w Polsce. W badaniu wykorzystano odpowiedzi zebrane w 3 obszarach problematycznych. W celu przeanalizowania danych pierwotnych wykorzystano statystykę opisowa oraz test Chi-kwadrat. Ze względu na wielkość próby, do każdej analizy testem Chi-kwadrat zostały wykonane dodatkowe testy metodą dokładną i Monte Carlo. Z analizy statystycznej wynika, iż istnieją różnice pomiędzy podejściem praktycznym do wyceny bilansowej kobiet a mężczyzn. Większość zależności zachodzących pomiędzy zmiennymi jest istotna statystycznie. Podstawowe ograniczenie dotyczy faktu, że badanie ilościowe miało charakter wstępny, co wiąże się z wielkością próby. Otrzymane wyniki są podstawą prowadzenia dalszych badań w zakresie ukazania powiązań płci z wybranymi metodami wyceny bilansowej w rachunkowości, jak również innymi obszarami tematycznymi w rachunkowości (wiarygodność informacji sprawozdawczej, uproszczenia w rachunkowości, aspekty podatkowe). Wyniki badania pilotażowego stanowią częściowe wypełnienie luki badawczej dotyczącej niedostatecznej wiedzy na temat wpływu płci na podejście księgowych do wyceny bilansowej. Badania pilotażowe otwierają kolejny wymiar badań w zakresie wyboru metod wyceny w rachunkowości

    Fitoterapia zaburzeń laktacji – dowody naukowe i bezpieczeństwo stosowania

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    Some women after childbirth are struggling with the problem of producing too little milk and cannot feed the child only on breast milk. Therefore, they need to introduce synthetic milk into newborn’s diet or to look for a way to increase their lactation. Breast milk provides the newborn with optimal supply of nutrients, increases its immunology and has a positive effect on its further development. The lack of a synthetic drug which can increase the lactation in nursing women prompts them to turn to the phytotherapy. A large part of medicinal plants aimed at increasing lac-tation in breastfeeding women is used as traditional medicinal products. There is, however, very few studies involving breast-feeding mothers confirming the lactagogic action of the plant or carried out with newborns confirming that there is no trace of the drug in breast milk or, if there is, it shows an appropriate safety profile for such a small child.The purpose of this review was to check which medicinal plants, commonly considered galactogogues, have clinically proven activities and whether their safety profile has already been tested for both the nursing mother and her child.Część kobiet po urodzeniu dziecka boryka się z problemem wytwarzania mleka w niewystra-czającej ilości i nie jest w stanie wykarmić dziecka wyłącznie na swoim naturalnym pokarmie. Sytuacja ta zmusza je więc do wprowadzenia do diety noworodka mleka modyfikowanego lub poszukiwania sposobu na zwiększenie laktacji. Powszechnie wiadomo, iż mleko matki zapewnia noworodkowi optymalną podaż składników odżywczych, zwiększa jego odporność i wpływa korzystnie na jego dalszy rozwój. Ze względu na brak leku syntetycznego, przeznaczonego dla kobiet karmiących w celu zwiększenia laktacji, wiele kobiet zwraca się ku lekowi roślinnemu. Duża część surowców roślinnych mająca wpłynąć na zwiększenie laktacji stosowana jest jako tradycyjne produkty lecznicze. Należy jednak zwrócić uwagę na brak wystarczającej liczby badań naukowych przeprowadzonych z udziałem matek karmiących potwierdzających ich mlekopędne działanie. Dodatkowo brak jest badań przeprowadzonych z udziałem noworodków potwierdzających, iż surowiec roślinny nie przenika do mleka matki lub w momencie przenikania wykazuje odpowiedni profil bezpieczeństwa dla tak małego dziecka. Celem niniejszego przeglądu literaturowego było sprawdzenie, które surowce roślinne, uważane powszechnie za mlekopędne, wykazują takie właściwości również w badaniach klinicznych oraz czy zbadano już ich profil bezpieczeństwa zarówno w stosunku do matki karmiącej, jak i jej dziecka

    Neolignans - honokiol and 4-O-methylhonokiol - as potential compounds counteracting diabetic complications - current state of knowledge

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease. It is characterized by hyperglycemia, which means an increased glucose levels in the serum. This disease can be a result of an insufficient insulin production by the pancreatic β cells, lack of tissue response to the action of this hormone or both these states occurring together. In the course of diabetes a disturbed metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids is observed. These disorders are often accompanied by chronic oxidative stress. Treatment of type 2 diabetes is based on the use of synthetic oral antidiabetic drugs. These drugs provide good glycemic control in the diabetics’ body and improve their quality of life, however, they are not without side effects. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to the patient and additional implementation of compounds that allow to reduce the negative effects of oxidative stress and limit the occurrence of diabetic complications in the process of their treatment seem promising. The scientific world is particularly interested in plants with antioxidant properties. Honokiol is a polyphenolic compound from the neolignans group that can be found in the bark of various magnolia species. Both honokiol and 4-O-methylhonokiol are known for their pro-health properties and multidirectional action on the body, including the glycemic control and restoration of proper lipid metabolism. Therefore, this review focuses on arranging the available scientific literature, covering the issues of the influence of neolignans: honokiol and 4-O-methylhonokiol on the health of a patient suffering from type 2 diabetes and its complications. Data collected in this manuscript shows a beneficial effect of these compounds on the organs most exposed to diabetic complications - including the pancreas, heart muscle or kidneys, as well as the prevention of excessive obesity in the context of affecting the white adipose tissue. After an in-depth analysis of many scientific articles, it can be deduced that these compounds may prove to be promising agents supporting conventional therapies with antidiabetic drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and its accompanying diseases

    Prostate cancer with different ERG status may show different FOXP3-positive cell numbers

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    Prostatic carcinoma is the most frequent cancer in males in the Western world. A significant proportion of these cancers have a recurrent translocation involving ETS family genes, which leads to the overexpression of ERG transcription factor. Prostate cancers, which bear this mutation, differ in a number of features, including tumor microenvironment. One of the components of the tumor microenvironment is FOXP3 positive lymphocytes, which may participate in breaking immunosurveillance and promoting tumor growth. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationships between ERG expression, number of FOXP3 positive cells and other features of the tumor. The study group consisted of 65 cases. Tissue microarrays composed of 2 mm tissue cores were used for immunohistological evaluation. Immunohistochemistry for ERG and FOXP3 was performed according to the routinely applied protocol. The FOXP3 positive cells were counted and the results were expressed as the number of cells per mm2. The average number of FOXP3 positive cells was 33.30/mm2 for all cases, 21.43/mm2 for the ERG negative and 42.28/mm2 for the ERG positive group (p < 0.02). There were no significant relationships between FOXP3 positive cell count and any other parameters studied. Our results suggest that the immune response may differ between ERG negative and ERG positive prostatic carcinomas